About Me, Myself and I
The Life and Timelines of R. Bretminster, Bret and their Illusions of Grandeur
To Be Emergent or Not to Be,
That is the quest-I-on
We have been on a nomadic visionary troubadour journey around the world with our wife and friends pollinating radical change through spirit-motivated social magick. Through our explorations and praxis, we have become an undercover thoughtless leader on topics such as zen and the art of civilizational design, mental wealth, evolutionary and spiritual philanthropy, new economics, giftgiving, sociotechnologies, artivism, true co-creation, conscious evolution, and future-proofing Reality.
Much more to come on the Gene Keys Integration.
Agent-eccentric Evocauteur
Infinite Reality Director
Ringmaster Togetherland
Ringleader Passion of the Heist
Performance Artivist
Mettamodern Futurist
Mental Health Transformer
Neurodiversity Pioneer
Canary in the Universal Mind
Jungian Catalyst
Spiritual & Evolutionary Philanthropist
The Brets are an evolutionary collective from our best-case scenario future; an individuating fractal organism, Bret like one his nonlocal mentors Buckminster Fuller, is 'noted for his unorthodox ideas on global issues.'Â
Researching and designing at the cosmic stage and civilizational state, they weave with beloved wife @Tansegrity through their Symphonics Dream and a global network of allies to deliver a new Co-creation MythOS; this includes spirit-motivated sociotechnologies (http://www.symphonics.life/) and the Unnamable, Universal and United Fractal Organism as well as fractal impact entertainment and regenerative filmmaking, evolutionary philanthropy and more
Through these explorations and the praxis, they have become an undercover leader, and world-class weird.
As a professional networker, netweaver and resonance recruitment specialist, they have a ‘Friendship Agenda‘ and always happy to help co-creators in whatever ways they are able to support. With a strong trust network of heart based change agents across disciplines and purpose, all bases are covered!
As a mettamodern futurist, gonzo journalist, storyliver and cryptopoet, Bretminster likes to explore new concepts, possibilities and realities for our life on Earth, and then report back with his findings and thereby invite others into a new emerging story and the Age of Co-creation
As a Concept Architect, Bret has spent the past 10 years deeply immersed in the embodied research, design and development of preposterous stories, new realities, and "sufficiently advanced magick indistinguishable from technology." While he has many creative outlets, his life’s work includes two specific missions: (1) to help spark a rebirth and renaissance for philanthropy leading to a new paradigm for how we produce and share the products, goods and services of the world, and (2) to catalyse systemic mental health change.Â
Bret was previously a co-founding steward of the S7 Foundation (creators of the ´Noomap' prototype platform). He was also a key initiator of the Synergy Hub 1.0 Social Experiment in Rotterdam, NL circa 2015-2017 where a band of pioneering innovators converged to experiment living together in a huge gifted building to experience the flow of passion, innovation and self organization.
Bretminster also cross pollinates with and contributes to many missions throughout the networks, as well as serving the good of the whole through personal alignment and true will.
I am a neo-generalist, which can be described in part as 'encompassing rather than rejecting, the neo-generalist is both specialist and generalist; a restless multi-disciplinarian, who is forever learning.' In these regards it would be fair to say that after 25 years and more than ten thousand hours practicing self-inquiry, conscious evolution and co~creation, I am here on Earth to contribute in many ways.
While I have many creative outlets, my life’s work includes two specific missions: (1) to help spark a rebirth and renaissance for philanthropy, leading to a new paradigm for how we produce and share the products, goods and services of the world, and hence a new economic mindset and (2) to catalyze systemic mental health reformation which provides freely accessible and top-notch support and resources for curing perceived mental illness and addiction.
Joseph Campbell — 'The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.'Â
Bipolar is an especially interesting experience because of the spectrum of mood swings, and the depths some of them can take, which means I am an expert in states of being, states of consciousness and more. Because of these extremes, I also have had temporary experiences that would be classified as schizophrenic, obsessive compulsive, dissociative, etc. As well, on another hand, these experiences also include states of being known as enlightenment, unity consciousness, and similar.Â
First and foremost (which is not usually the case with a majority of health practitioners), I have direct experience with what I speak including involuntary hospitalizations, participating in day programs and the overall legal, insurance, medical, etc systems that make up the entire mental health institution. This includes experiencing the incredible dogma, arrogance, cruelty and ignorance that pervades these institutions. Thank god, I am coming through a healing process which includes developing the empathy muscles to understand that I was treated terribly because people didn't and still don't know any better.
Now, it's my response-ability to share with the world what I have learned, what I understand, and how we can make systemic, scalable, global changes. It is my calling to make sure people do ‘know better’ and that especially includes people who think of themselves as experts through studying and observing and interacting but hardly ever knowing first hand what they are dealing with. It's my calling to help provide new solutions and completely different responses on this planet to perceived mental illness.Â
I have been on nearly all sides of the equation, including completing a well known 2 year college degree program in NJ when I was 30 for Psychosocial Rehabilitation. I was lucky enough to do a 1 year intensive internship at a day program where I implemented 'The Happiness Agenda' - inspired by Patch Adams. I especially learned about the ‘other side’ of the fence, what it means to be servicing the ‘consumers’ and all of the bureaucracy, handcuffs and stress that these brave souls take on to help people having these life-defining moments of perceived mental illness.
From there, I have traveled the world the past decade on my own healing and hero’s journey. I have inquired with many people who have experienced these things. I have learned first hand what seems to be common among perceived mental illnesses, as well as how incredibly individual each case is in the face of civilization’s attempts to reduce these experiences to a pathological phenomenon which can be treated from the ‘outside in’ or with a silver bullet regimen.
As a neo-generalist, I have expertise in many fields which I bring into the Global Community as part of this Mental Health Reformation. I am uniquely positioned as I have spent the last decade, in research, design, and praxis-based experiential and iterative development of whole systems innovations. Areas of expertise, insight and experience include new organizational models, internet technologies, futurism, art + activism, social impact entertainment, philanthropy, community building, marketing, speaking, concept, strategy and systems designs, as well and new economic, business and investment models. I have been deeply engaged in new governance inquiries and self organizing and self managing models from Holacracy to Sociocracy and decentralized organizing like DAOs.
My experience with Bipolar and the journey (clearly never-ending) of storyliving into my highest potential through conscious evolution and co~creation has given me priceless experiences and a unique ability to imagineer disruptively humane innovations that can change landscapes across sectors.Â
I would be honored and extremely grateful to bring my vast reservoir of diverse expertise to those who may benefit most, so we can all innovate for life. I am literally, after many years, now coming into my maturity at 48 and truly wishing that what I know, and what I have been through can be a catalyst and inspiration for systemic mental health reformation. I should be utilized by the mental health community, and I welcome opportunities to bring my unique self to the table.