Einstein’s Last Request
A Multidimensional Regenerative Film Project For Evolutionary Philanthropy and Planetary Scale Cooperation and Peace
This screenplay and reality project was conceived between 2008–2010 so many of my own ideas and of course the world, have evolved. The spirit and general direction of this project remain, and, I am very conscious of the need to re-imagine a lot of the details. I am a co-creator, so for me, this is a seed idea welcoming its own evolution.
2024 Update:
For some extra context:
The path of redefining how music, film and a newly conceived philanthropy can work together to co-create reality is where my heart resides.
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.” Jimi Hendrix
Screenplay Synopsis:
6 months ago, James Douglas inherited billions of dollars in assets and resources including his grandfather’s love, The Israeli Daily News. What does a person who wasn’t expecting that type of response- ability do in this situation? James wasn’t sure which direction to follow so he starts with becoming senior editor at the paper. One morning he receives a phone call from General Moshe, the person in charge of a recent military accident in the Gaza Strip where:
“At least 10 Palestinians, including six members of one family on a picnic, were killed when Israeli shells blew up on a Gaza strip beach as children frolicked in the sand, Palestinian sources said. The Israeli army also launched an investigation and expressed regret for any harm caused to innocent civilians.” (Actual Quote Taken From Newspaper Article circa 2008)
General Moshe expresses deep regret and the desire to share with the world his experience and transformation from ‘military man’ into pacifist. James is so moved by the General that he realizes his first ‘big’ move with the fortune he has been blessed with. Honoring the General, James decides to stage a 7 day philanthropy music event, The New Jerusalem Concert Festival. He decides to use all of his own funds with 100% of gross income being dedicated to the creation of a modern, sustainable academy to unite children left without families in Israel and Palestine. He believes that the youth can realize that they do not have to carry the weight of historical belief systems that separate the two cultures. He believes beginning in The Middle East is the most definitive statement of peace and transformation that could be modeled for the world.
“The Pioneers of a Warless World Will Be The Youth Who Refuse Military Service” Albert Einstein
As James makes his way into creating this plan, he begins to create disturbances in the collective consciousness by hinting that he is the Messiah… not only of Judaism (his birth heritage) but also the Messiah of Christianity… fulfilling both roles in one being. James has set out to create a paradigm shift in how the world perceives money and collaboration… what we can do with these resources if our intentions flow directly from our hearts. He calls this shift in perception Spiritual Philanthropy and The Holographic Economy and takes the risks involved as a leader of this transformation.
“In A Time Of Universal Deceit — Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act”
George Orwell
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.” Jimi Hendrix