Adjusts vintage Hunter S. Thompson sunglasses while reaching for a notebook that seems to be writing itself...
"I'll Take A Braincheck" (phrase, neologism circa 2024)
A linguistic möbius strip combining "rain check" and "reality check" with "brain," creating a playful escape hatch for when consensus reality starts getting too consensual. Functions simultaneously as:
A polite deferral of cognitive overload ("Thanks for explaining hyperdimensional economics, but I'll take a braincheck on that until my neurons stop smoking")
A metacognitive pause button ("Hold up, let me take a braincheck before accepting that dolphins are secretly running the stock market")
Origin: Emerged organically during a particularly reality-bending suprasexual session at Synergyworks between
and when Dr. Live needed both a mental timeout and a graceful exit from a four-hour discussion about polyamory as cryptocurrency. The phrase perfectly captured the need to both postpone further supra-sexpansion and verify current sanity levels.Usage: "Want to help test the new reality distortion field?" "I'll take a braincheck on that - my paradigms are still shifting from last time."
Cultural Function:
Social lubricant for navigating increasingly bizarre timeline shifts
Get-out-of-reality-free card for overwhelmed shadow researchers
Diplomatic way to say "my masculine needs a moment to unscramble itself"
Side Effects: May cause spontaneous puns, temporal loops, and an irresistible urge to poke everything you thought you knew about the opposite sex.
Checks notes, which have somehow rearranged themselves into a Klein bottle
Speaking of brainchecks, I should probably verify whether Drendan's been experimenting with those special coffee beans again. These reality ripples are starting to show up in my syntax.