R*OI stands for realization to the power and degree of “I”
This alludes to a few concepts and principles.
* The “I” here refers to a person’s self, their true essence, who they are most fundamentally
* This “I” also refers to ‘Self’ which is capitalized to symbolize the great being which every ‘self’ is a holographic expression of
In this instance, neither ‘self’ nor ‘Self’ refers to a person’s ego or the story they have about who they are as a separate being. This is not to imply that there is anything negative, wrong or bad about ego or story– in this case, we are not focused on these aspects of being, and are specifically focused on the ‘self’ which is the ground of a person’s being, and the ‘Self’ which is the ground of all being, and hoe these are fundamentally.. not two.
From another angle, “I” also alludes to words like:
* Infinity
* Inspiration
* Integration
* Imagination
* Intention
* Integral Investment.
We now have realiztion to the power and degree of inspiration, imagination, intention… etc
Realization to the Power and Degree of Imagination:
What do you imagine the world to look like, and to feel like, and to be like when you dream up the most beautiful things you can imagine, without limits. What do you imagine your life is like as part of that vision?
Realization to the Power and Degree of Intention:
What do you specifically intend to create and be a part of in realizing the world you just imagined, and the life you imagined? What is unique or exciting or otherwise important for you to specifically be a part of? What areas are you drawn to directly contribute to?
Perhaps as part of your imagined world, there are no children who are homeless and without parents so in your unique expression this time around on Earth you are so passionate about that aspect of a new world that you personally intend to design a system which makes sure that every child has a community of people to raise them and always a home to have.
Realization to the Power and Degree of Integral Investment:
What would you consider gifting unconditionally towards the world you imagine? It’s not about gifting to your intentions, others will do that, and it’s not about gifting to your vision.. It’s about what you feel excited to gift to other people who are working on pieces of the puzzle that end up in you realizing your imagined world.
What would you feel inspired to receive in life in order that you are free and thriving and feeling so good that you can gift more and more to others?
I love the way your mind works, Bret. Thank you for sharing it. R*OI, indeed!!