Press Release: the syntony times
May 1st 2023
Topic: the eXistential prize
Shine On You Crazy Diamandis
Despite their differing roles and experiences, these figures were united by their commitment to conscious evolution and the spread of true co-creation
So.. what is the Good Noos?
An invitation and thank you to be delivered to Peter Diamandis, through the Nerdal Link Network (NLN).
Along with our lead scientist #ElonMust, we will have the Nerdal Link to connect exponential, superabundant, synergistic next paradigmers in a neural network like cerebro fashion in true co-creation. This will be done NON INVASIVELY with your AI Guardian and fully owning your literal Social DNA. You will choose when and where and how you share your self, and you will receive valuable NFTs and Cryptocurrentsees for being your true self and gifting forward all that you are.
“Excitement is contagious. Good energy breeds good energy.”
From Article: Super Credibility and Stone Soup, by Luke A, 2015
Dear Peter,
I am Fullofit.
Codebreaker name:
Today I come to celebrate you.
I am well aware that a guy like you has no need or interest in being overtly celebrated. Perhaps, not being celebrated at all. In these regards I will make it personal and translate this celebration into a thank you Peter.
Thank you Peter.
Thank you for your thoughts in the cited article above. Thank you to Luke A. for writing it.
Over the past few years, after having read that article and your beautiful use of the stone soup parable, it’s been marinating and maturing within me.
We never know which seeds we drop will grow into mighty Oaks.
“Expansion comes without effort. It emerges naturally, slowly, quietly. It brings calm rather than excitement. It brings simplicity rather than complexity. It brings perspective rather than ambition. And it all comes through slowing down.”
Richard Rudd, author of the Gene Keys
“Silence. The great truth that comes through the 53rd Siddhi is that life consists of endless beginnings but no endings. This is the true meaning of Superabundance. Life goes on creating new forms whose actions determine the nature and destiny of future forms. There is no continuity between the forms themselves other than the genetic mechanism creating them. What continues, and what is superabundant, is consciousness itself as it endlessly penetrates the collective and writes the story of evolution.
Rudd, Richard. The Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in your DNA (p. 414). Osprey Publishing Ltd. Kindle Edition.
Seed Fractal
… back to the thank you.
Thank you Peter for inspiring me to think and be even more ambitious and preposterous than the smaller versions of my self I had been living through.
Thank you Peter for standing for innovation…. insane innovation, which is what calls us through the Madness of Metamodern Civilization to the land of Mettamodern where love is the law and conscious evolution and true co-creation are the game, the infinite world gamification of “… the mystical state becoming grounded and manifested in spirit-motivated social action,” as so lovely mandated through the channel of Barbara Marx Hubbard.
Thank you Peter, for paving the way with highest intentions.
The Invitation
Let’s have some pizza together, and I’ll make you a supposal you can’t refuse.