Seeded Intentionally 2011-2012
Going over old document I wrote so this is ARTISFACT and not current.
Originally inspired by Zachary Carson, and the Sustainable Roadshow and the Type 1 Roadshow of Freeman Fly and the Friendship Agenda Community back then.
The Free Energy Roadshow and Spiritual Philanthropy:
It’s More Than Electricity
Energy Cannot Be
Created or Destroyed
It Can Be Expressed and Shared!
“In that very moment, when free energy ( Zero Point Energy) will be given away to Humanity, it will not only be meant to use as an absolutely free, environment friendly, perpetual working energy to use in each and every industry, transportation, or private homes, but much more chains of Humanity will be broken FOREVER. A New Era of Freedom, Friendship, Understanding and Love will rule, opening a New Golden Age for people of the Earth and beyond...” Nikola Tesla
In 1893 he was charged with lighting the Chicago Worlds Fair, the first electric fair in the world, nicknamed The White City.
The narrative of the quickly approaching energy revolution is much more exciting than just electricity.
Free Energy is foremost about people! The shift engages our dreams, our imaginations and our soul-purposes together as well as individuals. Free Energy IS a metaphor for the free energy of spirit, consciousness and collaboration.
The Roadshow will ultimately be about giving and receiving and encouraging the exchange of this expanded definition of Free Energy... the energy of generosity, compassion, laughter, creativity, love and so much more.
The Free Energy Roadshow is a ‘Paul Revere’ for the multidimensional shift taking place.
Science needs art and the Roadshow is an integration of the two
The Roadshow is a DIRECT way to share/interact/connect with people’s passions and soul-purposes...
We are out to model that NOTHING is more special, effective, and powerful than meeting people in person and spending time with them authentically. Part of this process will involve, but not be limited to, assisting artists and others in various ways if they choose by facilitating their passions in a few different ways. This is the essence of my personal soul-purpose and passion, what I call Spiritual Philanthropy.
THE ROADSHOW may include earning money for profit and it may not, all possibilities are open. This adventure can easily be monetized for the benefit of all... investors, co-creators and especially for the people we meet on the road trip. I will personally be donating 75% of any money I earn back into more opportunities for practicing Spiritual Philanthropy. I have designated the abundant loop between philanthropy and traditional capitalism that I wish to create, the Holographic Economy, a simple idea I introduced at a Nassim Haramein workshop (Maui Jan 201) when I was struck by one of his physics models and how it could apply to my vision for the next step in how business and spirit integrate.
The Roadshow itself:
Get an RV or School bus... equip it with various free/new energy/sustainable ways to create power... one mission of the trip will be picking up musicians for a day, find an outdoor location and record/stream live on Internet making sure all of the power we use to make that happen is being generated in alternative ways... there’s more but that’s the gist of it.
Here is a prime way to leverage the friends, families, communities and online fan bases of bands and musicians for example on the website documenting the Roadshow we can include music aspects like radio
streaming, music store, etc. We can create income opportunities for the Roadshow and the musicians.
We’re going to coordinate with sustainable practitioners, permaculturists to trade, barter and purchase their healthy foods and serve smoothies and juices prepared by a blender that is powered by one of the energy devices. In this manner we can introduce one of the natural companions of Free Energy which is natural health solutions to dis-eases. (One thing we can do is take video of these sustainable businesses and advertise for them locally online and nationally
in exchange for produce or for money.. tons of possibilities).
We will be screening videos about energy, health and a running documentary of the trip for people and the projector will be powered by these energy devices.
For night time experiences we will power lights using LEDs and these energy devices.
Food, music, art, conversations, people..
It’s a Free Energy Celebration
We will share our passion for Free Energy on all levels and spark conversations with the people/groups we meet. We will share stories, video record things to document them, etc.
The RV may be converted to more efficient/clean options so we can model the future of electric/hydrogen cars and such (if it isn’t practical we will skip this part.. more research needed to figure that out).
This road trip IS about connecting with people on a soul level. We will document their stories, wisdom, passions and purposes in a personal way and if they please, we will share with the world via the website. We will invite discussions of people’s passions, the shift the world is going through. We will share food together that we supply and they supply. We will be offered beds and showers and who knows what else. People will offer to show us their favorite hang-out spots and all of that amazing stuff and we will capture a lot of it on video!
Who will we present to and spend time with:
We will offer our gifts and be invited to small groups, grass root style, who have interest in a variety of topics around free energy, sustainability, spirituality, consciousness, science, metaphysics, law of attraction and so much more.
When we present and ‘party’ with various and eclectic groups of people we have them invite artist friends of theirs... so as we spend a day or couple of hours with people — the artists can paint, draw, music, whatever they love in the Spirit and Inspiration of the day and we can help them (philanthropy and money for all) by sharing the art created for each event and linking to their other art work in affiliate style sharing of revenue when fans of our roadshow support the artists afterwards.
There is a HUGE, flourishing number of amazing conferences, concerts, gatherings, etc., etc. that we can present at.
We will also do spontaneous demonstrations at places like concert parking lots, sporting events, outdoor markets, etc., etc. it is truly infinite as to the places and people and ways we can share this when equipped with an RV and the mission.
ALL of these venues provide opportunity to market t-shirts, jewelry, ‘new age’ products, personal growth products, music cd’s, smoothies, etc... (I have plenty of ideas how wecan partner with companies of our friends who sell clothes and these types of things and basically sell on consignment for them or have a few items and direct people to their websites with some sort of affiliate code system for us to get
credit for bringing traffic to other websites).
On line aspects:
Each person we meet is a potential superstar at the center of a circle of philanthropy who receives the benefits of collaboration and gives back to that process. Each person is a part of the whole (hence hologram).
So you have a market place of products with people we partner with before the trip and during the trip an organic marketplace grows as we meet conscious artisans & entrepreneurs of all kinds and offer to sell their art/products on our website for a 50-50 split.
My favorite part is this... I see the unique opportunity to create a whole new crowd sourcing platform of Free Energy that takes Kickstarter into the quantum reality of participation. This will be a unique take on crowd funding that is different than others, a first of its kind (I think LOL).
This relates to spiritual philanthropy and helping people if they choose and sharing their wisdom and life experience in general. The videos we take and music we make will allow our viewers and fans to see people in real-time that they especially resonate with – we are going to run into people from every walk of life and passion! Instead of normal crowd funding which is just money- people can donate time, resources, connections and money. So a guy in Iowa sees a video we take of a woman in Colorado that needs a special easel for painting landscapes and he loves her work... he happens to own that exact easel sitting in his garage and now he can donate it to someone who will cherish it. A drummer in Oklahoma sees a musician in San Diego that he loves and can donate a studio session and his drumming skills. It’s infinite and beautiful and genius!
To attract co-creators to this project...
A Video Presentation:
I am looking to have some friends, old and new, record brief videos with me that help my audience ‘feel’ why a Free Energy Road Show is relevant and important as well as exemplifying the eclectic and diverse types of people interested in Free Energy and what it represents on levels beyond simple electricity. Another goal for the video is to have a few really experienced and credible people speak to ‘let my audience know’ that the alternative/clean/efficient energy sources I need for part of the Roadshow are available now from free energy inventors and engineers if I can pay for the materials they need and their time to manufacture them.