“The DAOs that can be blockchained are not the eternal DAO”
This Collective is reality’s first Synergstic Social Organism (More Info to Come)
This Organism is a seed fractal of the overall and ever-emergent vehicle, TOGETHER UFO (Unnamable, Universal, United Fractal Organizing Principle) (More Info to Come)
This Collective will have a legal entity attached to it like a daemon to a soul. This legal entity is of the highest and will operate out of the Marshall Islands through MIDAO.
This Collective will have the implicit and explicit agreement between all members to enact and live as if the 7 S’s of Co-creation were the terms and conditions for being a member. (more info to come)
Furthermore, this collective will have the ICP Commitments (shared below) as its guidelines for treating our selves and one and other. (more info to come)
This Collective is the founding forefathers and foremothers and forechildren of Togetherland and Syntonia. Essentially the co-creative community and ecosystem of geniuses and heart tribe who manifest and enjoy this Storyliving of a Metta Singularity and Metta Civilzation (more info to come)
We have come together to shine as a whole that is miraculously greater, different and unpredictable from the sum of us.
We have come together in Co-creation as laid out here. Knowing that we are only a group, community, family, etc insofar as each of us is fullofit empowered to bring our gifts to that emergent whole.
We value life, freedom and the realization of happiness.
We believe in the power of evolutionary and spiritual philanthropy as a worldview
We know Love is the law.
We live as mission I’mpossible of the Preposterous and act as if the mystical state is being fully grounded and manifested in spirit-motivated social action.
Much more to come
Much More to come on the Holonic Cryptocurrentsee and Resources that will back our HiFi (Holographic Finance).
Integral Community Project Agreements and Commitments
These will be reviewed annually by the Motherboard of the Symphonics SSO, and advice given in relation to feedback over the year, from which alterations to these will occur based on consensus of the Squared Circle within the Collective who carry out the wishes of the grantor of Togetherland.
These agreements and commitments serve as a container for creating conscious and co-creative community, wherein both individuals and the collective can find their greatest fulfillment.
These Agreements and Commitments are not intended as rules to be subservient to, but rather they are living and evolving reflections of our own consciousness and highest potential we generate from within.
● A Commitment to Friendship: Having and maintaining a positive regard for myself, for you, and for what is happening between us; willing to support each other to live our best life.
● Choosing to Claim 100 Percent Responsibility for Our Experience (can be referred to as Owning our Experience): We may or may not be creating all the things we experience, but we can always choose how we respond. We choose to claim responsibility for creating what we want, which gives us freedom and empowerment. A side ef ect and equal commitment is to eliminate blaming and complaining. If we claim full responsibility for our experience, then instead of blaming or complaining, we of er solutions, make requests and/or take ef ective action.
● Transparent Communication: Choosing to openly share our internal process and experience with others - especially where we might notice resistance to doing so, so that we may be seen in our fullness, completeness, and be loved for all of who we are. We know there is strength in vulnerability. We understand that the more we can see our blind spots with the help of others, and the more we can compassionately reveal our withholds to others, the more conscious and whole we become as individuals and as a group.
● Win-Win-Win: Finding solutions that serve us all without the need for individuals to compromise their integrity or authenticity, and where every voice is valued. As a conscious organic living system we commit to co-creating solutions where everyone gets their needs met and nobody is losing out on something they hold dear. We commit to having enough love, presence, patience, compassion, creativity, awareness and applied intelligence to figure out what those options are.
● Handling Issues/Moving Toward: We commit to resolving issues and conflict rather than ignoring, avoiding, attacking or running away. In relating we generally have four options: move toward, move away, fight, or be still and do nothing. We choose to move toward. We commit to connect even when we are in pain – revealing ourselves, while owning our experience.
● Integrity: We do what we say we will do; we don’t do what we say we won’t do. We do what we reasonably figure is expected of us and don’t do what we reasonably figure is expected that we don’t do. If we are no longer feeling aligned with an agreement we made, we commit to continuing to honor the agreement while requesting a renegotiation of that agreement. We strive to embody care and reliability over neglect or self-indulgence. Our behavior, knowing that we are part of a larger whole, is in alignment with what we believe to be in service of the highest good for all. And,we aim to act from a place of inner alignment, finding those views and actions where our head, heart and body are all in agreement.
● Life as Celebration: We hold gratitude and celebration as essential to life and our shared experience. By expressing appreciation to each other and toward ourselves we generate a milieu of connection and safety and nourishment. By choosing to celebrate whatever is, including our unpleasant experiences, we embrace life in its fullness and completeness, making us more integrated and whole.
● Compassion and Care: Understanding that our community is healthy to the extent that each of its members is seen and valued for their unique gifts and contribution, we support the full expression of each individual. And we look to understand and support each other with compassion when we fall short of our aims, including meeting these Agreements and Commitments. We recognize that each person is doing the best they can in any moment, given the totality of who they are, their past, and their awareness. And we honor the wisdom that generated any given behavior – trusting there is an intelligent reason that any given pattern developed in the first place, even if we forgot what that was, and even if it no longer serves.
● Awareness, Growth and Change: We acknowledge that we are living beings who are in a process of becoming. We welcome change and growth with awareness. We understand that we are all on our own path and are at various levels of development. We support the natural unfolding and evolution of each individual, while simultaneously honoring the integrity of the collective.
● Integral Life Practice: We choose to place attention into the development of each of the four quadrants – personal practice, relational practice, physical well-being, and how we function as an organic living system. We also endeavor to expand our ability to view the perspectives of others that may dif er from our own. To be in touch with our own experience, as well as someone else’s, as well as the dynamic that is happening between us. We choose to claim responsibility for how we are contributing to all three. We give some attention to how we are progressing in various lines of development, and include shadow work as part of our practice.
● Honoring Human Needs: We acknowledge that to be happy and fulfilled human beings we have needs beyond the basics of food, water and shelter. We need touch, connection, significance, contribution, growth and creative expression, among many others. We understand that explicitly or implicitly asking ourselves or another to deny having such needs is inauthentic and detrimental to individual and community health. We commit to being a community of fulfilled and happy human beings, finding ways to satisfy even the more subtle needs that we didn’t know we had.
● Expanded Sense of Self: We aim to expand our identity of self to include larger and more subtle realms. We consider all members of the ICP as being a single organism, and behave towards each other accordingly. We do this as a practice, both coming from and building towards an awareness of this truth. We practice taking on perspectives other than our own, expanding beyond a first-person fixated view of life, and evolving into an all-inclusive pan-perspectival community and worldview. We attune to our surroundings and honor the intelligent force within all matter – the trees and the concrete and the rain are all worthy of our awakened reverence. Inwardly, we strive to discover and embrace the disowned negative and positive aspects of ourselves.
● Synergy of Group and Co-creation: We honor that through collaboration and co-creation with others we become more than the sum of our individual selves. We understand that some areas of growth are only accessible, or are at least greatly enhanced by, living within a committed group. We choose to trust and allow a larger intelligence working through us, while simultaneously maintaining personal responsibility for our own creations.
● We Honor Both the Sovereignty and Fallibility of Each Individual’s Truth: We hold no single teacher, philosophy, religion or belief system as primary or central to our experience or community, but rather hold each individual's own direct experience as their primary reference point. We understand that at any given point our experience and perspectives are by their very nature incomplete. We acknowledge that even our direct experience can deceive us; it may be a product of unconscious beliefs.
● We’re All Doing our Best: We hold, even when we don’t fully understand it in the moment, that every human being is doing the best they can given the totality of who they are and how they came to be that way, their level of awareness and their level of development. We are all right-now perfect expressions of innate intelligence in action, and we acknowledge evolution is endless and we can always do better . We are each on our own journey, at our own unique place on the path, developing in our own unique way, and we start by accepting ourselves and others exactly the way we are.
● Core Values: We value awareness, authenticity, connection, co-creativity, self-realization and self-actualization. We value and hold equally both sides of these polarities: personal agency and communion, intimacy and autonomy, feminine and masculine. We honor the ever-emerging evolutionary impulse in each of us, ever welcoming the unknown and holding reverent the unknowable.
Version 2.6 – APR 2016 www.facebook.com/groups/integralcommunityproject