Book B
Chapter: Fullofit Industries
Section: I~CO For Humanity
Verse I: Put It On Our Trimtab
Fade up:
Early Morning NCL Airport
Cut To:
R Bretminster Fullofit on phone writing a social media post
I'm heading to Liminal Regenerative Village in Italy today to meet old friends and new. This Storyliving goes back to 2015 at Synergy Hub 1.0 Rotterdam with folks like Nicolas Luck, Shannon McArthur, Kishan Suntokeesing, Simon Damstra, Mona Rabie, Juan Carlos Kaiten, Rob Babaloo Joy, Robert Schram, and so many others.. and of course our lead Femme Praytell Andrea Harding. Synergy Hub is where I first discovered Roberto in Amsterdam back then and now 8 years later I'm visiting him and his lovely and amazing wife Laura at Liminal, which they've nourished and founded and co-steward. I'll be taking part in the community activities and sharing my gifts and dreams. It turns out the old noomap project I was part of has had a type of second life with Roberto and crew having been inspired all that time and continuing to develop a fork like version of where I began in 2013 with Andrea and our former partner at S7, Chris Larcombe. These days I've got no idea what's happened to Chris, God bless him... nevertheless the dream of spirit motivated sociotechnologies lives on through others like Roberto and our mutual partner Nico and his Coasys project with Synergy Engine.
Along with embedding myself into the Liminal flow and culture for a couple of weeks, ill also be sharing about developments in my infrastructure for Fractal Impact Entertainment, Storyliving As A Service and begin planting seeds with Roberto and Laura to be the initial sponsors and "Filmanthropists," and hosts for an August 2025 online and inperson inaugural Regenerative Filmmaking Summit. As well, exploring how Roberto's Holons Tech and the Alpha Coasys Tech can be integrated into an MVP for my MettaTelovision platform to host Storyliving, Fractal Impact and Togetherland's Infinite World Gamification and ARTivism. ART stands for Alternatively Radical Timeline .. for Practical Utopia.. or Oblivion. IYKYK.
Then I'm off to Saudi Arabia to film my friend Eduard give a powerful presentation at COP on December 5th for Soil Regeneration and a call to action, which will include Filmanthropy and Regenerative Filmmaking as part of his mission. Eduard is the founder of University for International Cooperation (UCI) in Costa Rica and a well respected long time elder in regenerative education and the overall regenerative movement.
Then I'll head to Cairo for December 7th till end of January. Ill be soft launching my startup company and MVP from TogetherTemple. It will be an MVParty for my 50th birthday!