Chaordic Magick is a new form of magickal practice that combines key principles of Magick & Chaos Magick with scientific principles of living systems, emergence, complexity, cybernetics, and chaos.
The term "chaordic" was coined by Dee Hock to describe organizations that are simultaneously chaotic and orderly.
Chaordic Magick embraces the interplay between chaos and order, and recognizes that reality is non-linear, interconnected, and co-created individuals and sets of individuals.
Chaordic Magick emphasizes the importance of remaining open and receptive to unexpected outcomes, considering the wider implications and consequences of actions, working with the larger whole to bring about desired outcomes, paying attention to feedback, being open to emergent possibilities, and embracing diversity.
Magick herein is understood as the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with y(our) True Will — where True Will represents each individual's unique path or purpose in life, which is in harmony with the universe and the divine. More info here.
The Principles of Chaos Magick
Chaos Magick is a form of magickal practice that emerged in the late 20th century, drawing on a wide range of esoteric traditions and magickal practices. Chaos Magick emphasizes the use of personal belief, individual creativity, and experimental techniques, rather than adherence to any particular tradition or dogma. It embraces the concept of "chaos" as a creative force that can be harnessed and directed through magickal practice.
Chaos Magick is characterized by its flexibility and adaptability. It encourages practitioners to experiment with a wide range of techniques, such as sigilization, invocation, evocation, and divination. It emphasizes the importance of developing a personal practice that is tailored to the individual's needs and goals.
Living Systems and Emergence
Living systems are complex, self-organizing systems that exhibit emergent properties, meaning that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Emergence is the phenomenon whereby new properties, structures, or patterns arise spontaneously from the interactions of the elements within a system.
Living systems and emergence are important principles in chaordic magick because they offer a way to understand the interplay between chaos and order. Chaordic magick recognizes that reality is emergent and that new forms and patterns can arise spontaneously. It emphasizes the importance of being open to emergent possibilities and working with them as they arise.
Complexity and Cybernetics
Complexity theory is a branch of mathematics that studies complex systems and their behavior. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the dynamics of complex systems, including feedback loops, nonlinear relationships, and emergent patterns. Cybernetics is the study of control and communication in living and non-living systems. It emphasizes the importance of understanding how information flows and how feedback loops are essential for learning and growth.
Complexity and cybernetics are important principles in chaordic magick because they offer a way to understand the interconnectedness of all things and the importance of feedback loops in magickal practice. Chaordic magick acknowledges that the individual is not separate from the larger whole and that feedback loops are essential for learning and growth.
The Role of Chaos in Magick
Chaos is a fundamental principle in magickal practice. It is the creative force that can be harnessed and directed through magickal practice. Chaos can be understood as the state of pure potentiality, where anything is possible.
Chaordic magick recognizes the importance of chaos in magickal practice. It embraces the interplay between chaos and order and understands that chaos is an essential aspect of reality. Chaordic magick encourages practitioners to embrace chaos as a creative force and to work with it in their magickal practice.
Building a Chaordic Practice
Building a chaordic practice requires discipline, dedication, and a willingness to explore the unknown. Chaordic magick emphasizes the importance of developing a personal practice that is tailored to the individual's needs and goals.
Emergence and Complexity Theory
In Chaordic Magick, the concept of emergence plays a crucial role. Emergence refers to the way complex systems and patterns arise from simple interactions between their individual components. This concept is closely tied to the study of complexity theory, which explores how complex systems emerge and evolve over time.
As Chaordic Magickians, we understand that the universe is a complex and dynamic system, and that everything within it is interconnected and interdependent. Chaos and order are not static concepts, but rather dynamic states that are constantly in flux. The principles of emergence and complexity theory help us to understand how these states arise and interact with one another.
One of the key principles of complexity theory is that complex systems are self-organizing. This means that they are able to spontaneously restructure themselves in response to changing conditions. As Chaordic Magickians, we harness this principle in our practice by working with the natural flow of energy in the universe, rather than trying to control or manipulate it.
In our rituals and spells, we seek to create conditions that will allow emergent patterns to arise and evolve. We understand that these patterns are not necessarily predictable or controllable, but rather arise spontaneously from the interactions between the elements we have set in motion. By working with emergence and complexity theory, we are able to create powerful and transformative experiences that go beyond what can be achieved through traditional forms of magick.
Cybernetics and Information Theory
Another key area of study for Chaordic Magickians is cybernetics and information theory. These fields explore the way that information flows through complex systems, and how these systems are able to self-organize and adapt in response to changing conditions.
As Chaordic Magickians, we understand that the universe is a vast network of interconnected systems, and that everything within it is constantly exchanging information. We seek to harness this flow of information in our practice by working with cybernetic principles.
One of the key principles of cybernetics is feedback loops. Feedback loops are cycles of information that are constantly flowing through a system, allowing it to adjust and adapt to changing conditions. In our magickal practice, we use feedback loops to create self-correcting rituals and spells that are able to adapt and evolve over time.
Hail Iris & the Doors of Perception
Chaordic Magick is a new paradigm for magickal practice that offers a powerful approach to personal transformation and the realization of our deepest desires, aligned with the mettaphysics of true co-creation.
Through the use of hyperstitious linguistic programming, hypersigils, intention-setting, ritualX1, and other techniques, practitioners of Chaordic Magick are able to tap into the occulted forces of the universe and harness them for their true will and highest purposes. By cultivating a deep understanding of the interplay between chaos and order, practitioners are able to create a meaningful inner-change and therefore experience those changes reflected in the the world around them.
At its core, Chaordic Magick is about empowering individuals to take ultimate authorship of their lives, and to shape their own destinies. It is a powerful tool for personal growth, individuation, transformation, self-realization and even more fantastic things. With its emphasis on collaboration, creativity, and flexibility, Chaordic Magick offers a unique and powerful approach to magickal practice that is both beyond spacetime and relevant and applicable to the modern world as we know it.
In the words of Dee Hock, "The Chaordic Organization is one that blends characteristics of both chaos and order. Chaordic organizations are not dominated by either chaos or order, but rather exhibit characteristics of both. They are self-organizing, self-governing, and self-perpetuating, yet are also creative, innovative, and adaptive." In the same way, Chaordic Magick is not dominated by chaos or order, but rather embraces both as essential components of the magickal process.
As we continue to explore the frontiers of magickal practice, it is clear that Chaordic Magick offers a powerful and novel real-time approach to conscious evolution and the mettaphysics of true co-creation.
to be defined— a style of infinite gamification engendering serendipity and synchronicity
Love this one Bret. Clear and magical!