HiFi (Holographic Finance) and a Giftgiving Paradigm of Evolutionary & Spiritual Philanthropy
"... It has always been the prime function of mythology and rite to supply the symbols that carry the human spirit forward, in counteraction to those that tend to tie it back..."
HiFi (Holographic Finance)
Quantum Flow System
Co-creation Economy of Engagement
Introducing Holonic Cryptocurrentsees (HCCS), the Fractal Reserve and #NFTogetherland
Let’s revisit the Joseph Campbell Quote:
"... It has always been the prime function of mythology and rite to supply the symbols that carry the human spirit forward, in counteraction to those that tend to tie it back..."
The Fractal Reserve (TM)
”The Supply”
… the supply of holonic cryptocurrentsees that carry the human spirit forward, in counter-fit to those that tend to tie it back… humanity’s vault.
The HiFi and synergistic and eXchange (S$X) platform of Togetherland, where HCCS can be interacted with in countless ways including being paired with standard Cryptocurrencies, Fiat, Commodoties etx. There will be a staking system of some kind (TBD).
The Alpha and Omega of Togetherland’s Re-Source Based Economy & Giftgiving Paradigm of Conscious Evolution and Co-creation.
The Great and Never Late Bucky Fuller, the Daemon of Bretminster
#NFTogetherland (TM) & HCCS
”The Symbols”
Our Current #NFTogetherland is a prototype and Pre-Seed Round of Investment Pathway, we use KYCo-createurs and can therefore accept investment into our Infinite Creative Offering. Like a Mandala (or Mandelbret Set), this collection simultaneously includes the most precious, refined and collectible currentsees in Heistory… and it will be blown away on the winds of autopoietic evolutionary innovation, making these ghosts in the machine kind of valuable.
#NFTogetherland 2.0 will be a singular FRACTAL NFT composed of 555 Trillion Fractal HCCS.
Through the brilliance and alliance of some of our favorite Togetherland people and their products, it will be entirely possible by 2030 or sooner to install this mythOS.
”The Mythologies and Rites”
Symphonics & Fullofit Enterprise
“The Prime Function”
Reinventing Civilzations
Towards Type 7
Speaking hypernymically1 and hyperstitiously2:
If you think logically, coherently, parsimoniously, impartially, about Capitalism... it would become self-evident and consistent to understand that ‘Business is inherently meant to go out of business,’ that Capitalism has a sell-by-date and the Free Market has potential to become liberated in being congruent with its title and reaching the zenith (and Zeno’s Paradigm) like nature of Sacred Commerce.
It is natural for cultural epochs and patterns to end, insofar as they are recycled and composted into the prima materia3 for the next civilizational iteration
A cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses strong cryptography to secure financial transactions, control the creation of additional units, and verify the transfer of assets.
From Art Brock:
A formal symbol system for shaping, enabling, and measuring currents (or flows)
We are not using the word currency in the everyday sense where it is equivalent to money. We're expanding its meaning because of its original roots from the Latin "currere" meaning to run or flow. In this expanded sense, currencies are tools for seeing and changing flows.
Holonic Cryptocurrentsees and a QFS (Quantum Flow System):
A digital asset designed to work as a medium of giftgiving in a co-creative paradigm, that uses strong cryptography to secure agentcentricity, that stewards the creation of additional resources, and that facilitates and verifies the flow of resources that have been gifted and/or received.
Holonic cryptocurrentsees are tools for eXperiencing and altering manifest Reality. They are a formal symbol system for shaping, enabling and measuring experience (or flows of perception).
Hypernymically refers to a relationship between words where one word is a broader or more general term that encompasses the meaning of another word. In other words, a hypernym is a word that represents a category or a higher level of abstraction, and a hyponym is a word that belongs to that category or is a specific example of the broader term. For example, "fruit" is a hypernym of "apple," "banana," and "orange," and "animal" is a hypernym of "dog," "cat," and "elephant."
Hyperstition is a concept that combines the words "hyper" and "superstition" to define a form of belief or idea that has the ability to shape reality. In other words, it is the notion that certain ideas or beliefs can bring about their own reality and manifest themselves.
This concept was popularized by a group of philosophers and artists known as the Cybernetic Culture Research Unit (CCRU) who explored the intersection of philosophy, technology, and culture. They argued that hyperstitions were created in a variety of ways, including through science fiction, conspiracy theories, and virtual reality.
Hyperstitions can be positive, such as when they inspire creativity and innovation, or negative, when they contribute to harmful ideologies or belief systems. They are often used to explain events or phenomena that cannot be easily understood through traditional means, such as alien abductions or paranormal experiences.
In summary, hyperstition is a concept that describes the power of belief to shape reality.
Prima materia is a Latin term that means "first matter". It is a concept in alchemy that refers to the basic, raw material or substance that is believed to underlie all physical matter in the universe. According to alchemical theory, everything in the physical world is composed of different combinations of prima materia, which is often described as a formless, chaotic substance that contains the potential for transformation and creation.
Prima materia is considered the starting point for alchemical processes of transformation and transmutation, as alchemists sought to manipulate and purify it in order to achieve spiritual and material goals. The alchemical quest for the philosopher's stone, for example, was often described as a search for a substance that could transform prima materia into something pure and divine, allowing the alchemist to achieve spiritual enlightenment or material riches.
In some interpretations of alchemy, prima materia is also associated with the unconscious or shadow aspects of the human psyche. Just as the physical world is believed to be composed of different combinations of primal matter, the human psyche is said to be composed of different archetypal elements that are hidden beneath the surface of consciousness. By exploring and integrating these elements, alchemists believed that they could achieve greater self-awareness and spiritual growth.