said structures of spacetime membering the geometrees of the cosmic forest of life also embody at least a fourth kind of polyness, which is polyintegrity. as there are at least four kinds of integrities present within and around everybody, yet not necessarily equally minded, if at all, by the babylonian booxes.

integritee of the whole, that is Universe as within, without and witharound

integritree of tension aka tensegritree

integritree of pattern

integritree of the individual

and as with all things spherical, the wholeness of Universe is an aggregate, so these principles at play remain omnitriangulated, omniinteraccomodative and open for additional consideration, constellation and contemplation

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Reminds me of one of my NFTs about how money now grows on Merkletrees.

I'm sure you're insights are in-forming my take on Holographic Economies and Togetherland's Fractal Reserve.

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the fractality of spacetime as manifest in a myriad of treetimes keeps astonishing me with its fractality as eye wonder along the way of the spheres. spoke to a few such fractal plays in a number of my videos, if i remember well

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i love that thought, omnicentralization as another synonym for compendence, or as i lovingly call it, compendance. i have been speaking of polycentricity as another aspect of spherical thinking in synergetics where it turns out the structures of spacetime are always polyoptic (manyeyed), polyform (manyformed in the complementarity of the Whole) and polycentric, which speaks to the ability of fluidly changing ones focus of tuning from hearts (notes, vortexes where things happen, interweave, nest, also centers of gravity of subsystems as organs within organisms) to fingers (the verbial vectors of relationship pointing bothways between the hearts, each with their own center of gravity) to the eyes they open among them as the triangles membering membranes of mindful matter, animatter, spreading gravity around oneandother, fathomable belonging together, compending, compassionately, again synergizing our shared center as a fractal of the whole that is Universe...

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Thanks for sharing your insights.. will def be integrating them.. especially the manyI's side of things.

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as some long living into a roots culture say for a while: I'n'I livity, eye four an eye

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