It's exciting to be part of these amazing Syntony times

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You will all like this short SciFi story about two possible futures for Ai... 🤖 clearly, it's likely somewhat binary; utopia or dystopia. Both are reviewed and frankly it should Come across as both quite familiar but also heartening... let's see what it takes to take the steps to realize the 'Australia model' (you will know when you get there.) very glad to be a part of this community. I am like if Leonardo da Vinci Had his first career with Captain Nemo 20,000 leagues under the sea. I'm a continuous innovator, nuclear submarine navigator, architectural engineer, part-time inventor, here to help All of Us maximize their potential as we

-No longer our concerned about competition, the 20th century

-for we must collaborate in a network that can function exponentially to Gamify Reversing Climate Change.

Details to follow. But first, check out Manna by Marshal Brain 🧠


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