Transforming Perceived Mental Illness Into A Blessing
Rod then asked if Walsch's main goal was to get people to think, to which he replied, "To think and then to join what I'm calling a civil rights movement for the soul." Neale expanded on the statement, saying, "Freeing humanity at last from the oppression of its beliefs in a violent, angry and vindictive God and from a system that says we are separate from each other and must compete with each other in order to get what we say we really want. It's killing us."
Read More: Neale Donald Walsch Talks ‘Civil Rights Movement for the Soul’ with Rod and Steph
Here's a TLDR:
- I am starting a business to transform how society understands and treats mental health, drawing from my own lived experience to create a more compassionate paradigm.
- My mission is to leverage innovation, co-creation and integral healing to depathologize mental illness and empower a global mental health reformation movement.
- We are pioneering immersive storyliving experiences, accessible care environments, and holistic solutions that engage audiences to participate in transformative change.
- Seed investment would help catalyze our docuseries into production, and to create an online platform to reach more people, foster connection and healing, and bring our vision of mental health reformation to life.
- The biggest challenge has been shifting entrenched views on mental illness. I've persevered by vulnerably sharing my story to inspire others and staying true to my purpose.
- We are creating freely accessible holistic healing centers and dedicating profits to fund innovations in mental wellness, to uplift individuals and communities in need.
More about my journey with perceived mental illness
If you know someone who would be easily liquid for $2500 USD or better, to invest in a start up on a mission for mental health reformation, please send me a message or make an introduction (
My startup LLC will be offering partnership shares/units, silent investor units, and advisor units. The first goal is 25K and then 200K. The ROI will be a fair social impact offer and I am seeking investors who have a personal stake in seeing change come to mental health, from the bottom to the top.
Thanks xoxo