“Let us boldly go…”
The Together UFO
A Holomovement of Co-creation
Whole People Create Whole Systems
Chaordia or Bust
Utopia or Oblivion
The music of the holospheres
Spaceship Earth » Together UFO
Generally speaking, “Spaceship Earth” is ‘a worldview encouraging everyone on Earth to act as a harmonious crew working toward the greater good.’ In 1968 the renowned American philosopher, systems theorist, architect, and inventor, Richard Buckminster Fuller popularized the term “Spaceship Earth” as part of his book, Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth. Fuller, inventing his World Game in the 1960’s, had a ‘global perspective and his contention was that we now need a systems approach that deals with the world as a whole, and not a piecemeal approach that tackles our problems in what he called a “local focus hocus pocus” manner. The entire world is now the relevant unit of analysis, not the city, state or nation.”
From the current work of high energy physicists and others, we also are finally beginning to truly understand how Earth appears to be hurling through the stage and context of Spacetime, on a journey that has a core mettaphysics expressed as a spiralling dynamic.
Like an autopoietic strange attractor event horizon, we are being pulling together syntropically, evolving a telerotic narrative as a unique Self symphony and collective hero’s journey. We are literally an organic, living and conscious ‘vehicle’ (spaceship earth and its inhabitants) travelling as consciousness through consciousness appearing as an externalized physcial Universe of projection and perception! Wowzer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Earth was once conceived to be ‘flat’ then it was understood to be ‘round’ and we propose it is most accurately understood right now as ‘Holonic’ which is also fractal-like; a holon is something that is simultaneously a whole and a part.
‘Fractals can be understood as patterns that recur at evolutionary infinite scales, and in describing partly random or chaotic phenomena such as crystal growth and galaxy formation.’
Together UFO:
A Mettaverse Vehicle1
Unnamable, Universal and United Fractal Organism
A self-aware living system of true co-creation that is composed of harmoniously interdependent parts that maintain various vital processes of the whole
Aka Fractal Organizing, Observer, Opportunity, and some others!
Therefore, ‘as a harmonious crew working toward the greater good,’ let’s upgrade from the more mechanistic and 20th century notion of a ‘Spaceship Earth’ to a more autopoietic, advanced and wholistic conception of a living system that is holonic, fractal, recursive, immanent, transcendent, organic and co~created, which is united, universal and ultimately unnamable, whereby even beyond the aforementioned ‘entire world’ we take consciousness to be the fundamental and ‘relevant unit of analysis’.
“The Narratives that fire together wire together”
Alluding to ‘metta’ (in Theravada Buddhism) meditation focused on the development of unconditional love for all beings.; and Mettā (Pali) or maitrī (Sanskrit) means benevolence, loving-kindness, friendliness, amity, good will, and active interest in others, and, a sincere wish for the welfare and genuine happiness of all beings, without exception. Also alluding to: referring to itself or to the conventions of its genre; self-referential. Also alluding to: Meta (from the Greek meta- μετά- meaning “after” or “beyond”) is a prefix used in English to indicate a concept which is an abstraction behind another concept, used to complete or add to the latter. Also alluding to: The use of the prefix meta here derives from Plato’s metaxis, describing an oscillation and simultaneity between and beyond diametrically opposed poles.