Weaving Tapestries of Radical Philanthropy
Synergizing a Brazen New World
In the spiraling dynamic of human evolution, a new breed of prophets is emerging - the Propheteers. These architects of belief are not only redefining what it means to shape reality in the 21st century but also paving the way for a transformative movement known as "Emergent Philanthropy."
At the forefront of this revolution are trailblazers like Radical B and Dom, who recently convened in Cairo to explore the frontiers of transdisciplinary co-creation. Joining them in spirit are luminaries like
, Gary Sheng, and B's wife, Andrea, aka - the First Femme Praytell of Togetherland.They are weaving a vision of a world where the power of storylivingry, and collective wisdom converge to birth a more beautiful reality eXperience.
Central to their mission is the concept of "Synergy Hubs" - week-long, co-creative festivals designed to catalyze a radical shift in consciousness and unlock the potential of Emergent Philanthropy. By bringing together philanthropists, innovators, and change-makers in a spirit of synergistic collaboration, these hubs aim to create a flywheel effect, amplifying the impact of collective action and channeling resources towards the creation of a "Mother Fund" - a wellspring of superabundance and support for the emerging paradigm, along with the eXistental surprize inspired by Peter Diamandis and Mark McCormack.
To set this vision in motion, the Propheteers are embarking on an ambitious endeavor: the Synergy Hub World Tour. This global odyssey, inspired by the legendary Live Aid concerts and the transformative potential of initiatives like Ethereum's "The Infinite Garden," seeks to harness the power of fractal impact entertainment and storyliving to ignite a planetary revelation, and the redemption of #GenerationX.
The journey begins with the creation of a seminal work, "The Book of Emergent Philanthropy" - a comprehensive anthology of the collective wisdom and insights gathered from the New World Nexus. This tome, a mosaic from the threads of countless conversations, documents, and experiences, will serve as a beacon and a roadmap for the awakening radical philanthropist, illuminating the path towards a more holistic, regenerative, and superabundant world.
With this foundation in place, the Synergy Hub Tour will set sail, traversing the globe from Europe to America, Asia, and Latin America. At each port of call, a new Synergy Hub will be birthed, anchored by the omnicentralized Fatekeepership of local change-makers and supported by the growing Mother Fund. Through immersive experiences, transformative workshops, and the power of storyliving, these hubs will serve as catalysts for personal and collective metamorphosis, igniting a chain reaction of positive sum change that ripples across the planet.
As the tour unfolds, the Propheteers will tap into the power of Web3 technologies like Holochain and Coasys, leveraging the visionary work of internet innovators to create an omnicentralized, interconnected mycelial-like network of genius and value flow. By harnessing the power of these cutting-edge tools and the collective wisdom of the emerging paradigm, the Synergy Hub Tour aims to create a tipping point, fully ushering in an era of radical philanthropy and planetary flourishing; as conceived in 2008.
At the heart of this holomovement lies a simple yet profound truth: that we are all co-createurs of this brazen new world that is yearning to emerge from the morphogenetic womb.
As Bretminster epimemetically puts it…
"I love it when a plan becomes Togetherland"
By coming together, in a spirit of suprasex and true co-creation, by supporting and amplifying each other's genius, gifts and talents, we can all become agents of transformation, midwifing the emergence of a reality experience that serves the highest good of all.
So let us heed the call of the Propheteers, these canaries in the universal mind, and let us join genius with visionaries like Dom, Bart, Gary, Andrea, and countless others who are daring to dream of a positive sum world. Let us lend our voices, our resources, and our hearts to the creation of the Mother Fund, knowing that every act of generosity, every story shared, every connection forged, brings us one step closer to the tipping point of planetary wholeness.
The Synergy Hub World Tour is more than just a journey - it is a Utopia-in-action, an invitation to step into our highest potential as change-makers, storytellers, and weavers of new reality experiences.
Let us embark on this joint adventure together, armed with the power of Radical Philanthropy as a world view, the magick of storylivingry, and the unshakable conviction that a brazen new world is not only possible but inevitably what we already are creating.
The time has come to synergize, to unite voices, and to deliver the positive sum world we know is possible.
Coming together, we will light the way forward, one heart, one story, one act of radical generosity at a time.
Dominic is a philosopher, creator, entrepreneur, and new earth steward. His primary focuses are growing a globally distributed research institution (www.newworlddao.org) and developing two theses on Spiritual Philosophy and Integral Science. His supplementary poetic and literary works can be found under his alias Dom do Espirito (www.domdoespirito.com).
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